Daring! 500 Years Anabaptist Movement 1525 –2025

Touring exhibition at the World Council of Churches in summer 2022 in Karlsruhe.
Pictured: both the German and English versions of the exhibition.

Touring exhibition
"Dared! 500 Years of the Anabaptist Movement 1525 – 2025"

A traveling exhibition was completed for the Anabaptist commemoration. Eight roll-ups provide information on the history of the Anabaptists and each “Dared!” annual theme is explored in greater depth through two biographies. Questions about the annual themes invite reflection and discussion.

The exhibition can be used in church or secular spaces, at community events, ecumenical or communal events, at training courses, conferences or large events. The exhibition is also particularly suitable for visits to parishes by school learning groups as part of religion and history lessons (approximately from grade 8).

The exhibition was first shown at the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe in the summer of 2022.

The exhibition consists of eight rollups that can be borrowed or purchased. There is a German and an English version.

The exhibition can be borrowed:

Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden
Johann-Gerhard-Oncken-Str. 7
14641 Wustermark

Contact person:
Mrs Katrin Neubert
E-Mail: taeuferausstellung@befg.de

The costs for the loan are:
€ 110 plus shipping costs (approx. € 30).
The return shipment will be made to the above address of the BEFG at your own expense.

Invoicing and payment will be done by the association “500 Jahre Täuferbewegung 2025 e.V.”.

The exhibition can be purchased for € 650, plus shipping costs.
Contact person: Bernd Densky
E-Mail:  info@taeuferbewegung2025.de

This page as info letter (German-PDF).

An overview of the individual rollups (German-PDF).