Daring! 500 Years Anabaptist Movement 1525 –2025

How you can support us

Become a supporting member of the association!

Thereby you actively support the concerns of the association. Supporting members are actively involved in the planning and project development. (See also the next point: Contribute your ideas). Information about the statutes of the association and the possibilities of membership / sustaining membership can be found on the website.

Bring in your ideas!

Since everyone involved is a volunteer, we need many to think and contribute, e.g. by conceiving and sharing sermons, lectures, Bible talks, pictures, videos, book presentations, materials for school and community events … on the individual themes of the theme years …


We also need your financial support so that the many good ideas can be implemented. We therefore ask you to participate in the campaign 500 cents (5 euros) for 500 years. The association 500 Jahre Täuferbewegung 2025 e.V. is recognized by the tax office in Frankfurt as a non-profit organization and is therefore entitled to issue donation receipts. We are happy to accept donations above and beyond this amount and will issue an annual donation receipt for an annual amount exceeding 200 Euros if you provide us with your name and address.
Write us how much you donate monthly – quarterly – semi-annually – once a year. In 2026 the association will be dissolved. Any assets will be used according to the statutes.

The association is supported by members of the Mennonite Historical Association and the Historical Advisory Board of the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches (BEFG). It is supported by the BEFG, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden (AMG) and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (ACK). Individual Russian-German Mennonites and Baptists are already working with 500 Years of the Anabaptist Movement 2025 e.V..

We ask you to download the following statement of support, fill it out and send it back to us at